
Friday, March 1, 2013

Rubber Stamps Galore

Last Saturday, I went to an estate auction in the government seat of a rural county. It was great :) I only wished I could have been in two places at once as they were selling furniture at the same time as "box lots." As there was nothing in the furniture area I just had to have, I followed the box lot auctioneer. This was after I had purchased mostly Austrian, German, American (Pope Gosser and Homer Laughlin) and a few pieces of 1940s Japanese.

Amongst those boxes of "junk" was a sweet container filled with looked over (by me and just about everyone else) rubber stamps, embossing powder, ink pads, card get the picture. Although I've never been a big fan of scrapbooking, I do like to use the stamps for gift tags. I only had one medium-sized stamp before the auction, because they were always too expensive for this bargain hunter. But not this day....

Now, I just have to read up on how to emboss and use some of my goodies.

Tomorrow, I am attending another estate auction and hopefully I will be able to have a marathon photo shoot / listing session for Etsy on Sunday. (I've only managed to put about a fourth of last weekend's booty on.)

Part of my problem is that I have discovered several French blogs written by English and American folks living in rural France. I can't peel myself away from them once I get started. But I am even more inspired for the master bath makeover this guessed it French / American farmhouse decor (whatever that means). Well, time to order pizza for Amelie's #1 associate and employee of the month.....

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