
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Loudon Florals Prints

This is the second post of the day and it's not even 3:00 pm yet! I have been quite motivated today.

After I loaded up the dehydrator, I went out to the barn to fetch my four (very) old shutters with countless coats of paint. (black, dark green, and light green/white were visible). I hosed them all off to end up with a slightly distressed look but I still need to take a brush and soapy water to them.....might put them in the library flanking the two windows.

Then I repaired the eyes/wire on one of the three Jan Korthals London prints I acquired at this past weekend's auction on the cheap. I just need to have the glass in one of them replaced and they are ready to hang.

The other box of prints I purchased contained two pairs of botanical prints. My least favorite pair were hung today in the kitchen (below) and the other more "antiquey" pair will go in the library. (I may have to move the kitchen prints closer together, we'll see.)

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