
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kitty Love

I've been so busy this year that I've neglected my Etsy shop as well as my reading and posts. Hubs went to England in June to visit family. I stayed home and had the central air repaired (cha-ching) and new cistern pump and pressure tank installed (cha-ching, cha-ching). Glad I didn't buy an airline ticket.

School started with me teaching a new class.......I have to study and brush up weekly now. I haven't gone to many auctions either :(

I had a great summer of gardening eating my last tomato on Thanksgiving. I had picked them green on Halloween before the first real frost. I have one onion left and loads of red potatoes and fingerlings left. AlThough,  the fingerlings are starting to sprout with most of them becoming my "seed" for next season's garden. I also planted garlic for the first time this fall.

I adopted a stray cat that has turned me into a crazy cat lady. I used to be allergic, but alas, this kitty has not triggered any episodes (and he sleeps by my head most nights. He is so laid back and loving.  The vet thinks he's 1-2 years old, Andy e may have to get a playmate soon. The dogs totally ignore him as much as he tries to play with them.

Happy New Year to you and yours!